
Thursday, April 7, 2011

motivation...or rather, lack thereof

Do you ever have trouble motivating yourself to get off the couch, put the laptop down and turn off the tv? I sure do. There are lots of things I would like to be doing...that I want to do, but I find myself stuck back in the same damn rut I was in before I left. Time to get my ass UP and GOING.

To help keep myself on track and make myself accountable, I've signed up on Day Zero and made me a LIST. Is there anything you can think of that I should add? I'm totally open to suggestions of ways to brighten things up and get creative with my life, I am ready to get my life going again after being so stuck in the babymaking circus and putting off so many things for so many years.


  1. *yay* will be cheering you on from the sidelines and congrats on making a list, you've inspired me!


  2. Ooo Ooo Ooo! Those are great! (no, I have not turned into an ape despite what it "sounds" like) I like a LOT of yours, have completed some and aspire to others. You ROCK! xoxo

  3. EEK! That site is fantastic. I'm going to sign myself up. I have a list a mile long. Awesome post!

  4. Very ambitious! It wore me out just reading your list. What are you going to tackle first?



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