
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

short and sweet

Meet my little thumbsucker <3

Actual Gestational Age = 12+0

CRL = (12+2) (12+4)
BPD = (12+0)
Head Circ = (12+1)
Heart rate 169 bpm

The most emotional ultrasound experience of my life. When I went in, I was almost hyperventilating. Lying on the table, I felt like my heart might beat straight out of my chest. The whole way there I was thinking about what we would do if there was bad news. The past few days have been awful. I was convinced that there would be no heartbeat.

I lay on the table. Terrified. Then I see a little person. Then I see a heartbeat, and all of a sudden, I can breathe.

I nearly cried. I was on the verge of some serious tears. I have never even come close to crying at an ultrasound before today.

Then he started jumping around. Rolling and waving and flipping like a crazy thing. It was beautiful. The most amazing ultrasound I have ever seen! Such an active little thing.

The best news was the measurements. Above average on all counts, nuchal fold within normal range. Our little T18 boy was already nearly a week small at this stage. The measurements, and the activity...was the most reassuring thing you can imagine.

I finally feel like I can breathe again.

12 weeks. Wow.


  1. That is beautiful news. Oh to go back to a time where ultrasounds were simply EXCITING and a chance to SEE YOUR BABY! They will never be the same for us, will they?
    So relieved for you today.

  2. Fantastic! Congrats hon, that's awesome. :-)

  3. That ultrasound is a beautiful, beautiful thing. Love every single one of those numbers!

    When I was up on the table for my first ultrasound, from the pregnancy that made it, I was so tense and spasming so badly that the doc could not get the transvaginal ultrasound wand in. >.< He had to do a transabdominal for us to see a heartbeat before I could calm down enough for him to do the TVU... so yeah, I get it.

    In summary, YAY!

  4. Wonderful amazing news!!! I'm so happy for you!!!

  5. Congratulations! This is a wonderful post. Having gone through a second-trimester loss in January (and now in a second-trimester again), I can appreciate how hard it is to feel normal levels of excitement and anxiety. Best wishes to you, this new baby, and your family!

  6. I am so relieved for you. This is wonderful!

    Bestest ever wishes to you and the little bun!


  7. Wow,awesome news, felt a bit teary myself reading :)

    So exciting :)

  8. Absolutely amazing. So, so happy for you!! :) *hugs*

  9. Wonderful, sweetie!! You made me cry! I'm so happy and relieved and thrilled and excited for you!

    Way to go, Little Bun!

  10. Glad to see that things went so well at your U/S. Having a perfectly average little baby sounds great.

  11. Fantastic news & beautiful image! I'm so pleased for you. What a relief to have those good results. I'm impressed you didn't cry - I cry at every ultrasound lol! I hope this good news helps you breath a bit easier for the duration of the pregnancy.

  12. Oh my goodness, I've been behind on blogging and am just catching up on the incredible news!!! I'm so thrilled for you guys! Fantastic freaking news, sending so many positive thoughts, prayers and love your way. Holding hope that this pregnancy continues smoothly for you and you receive the supportive, knowledgeable medical care you deserve!



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