Manny decided the day I went into hospital was the day he wanted to potty train himself, which was great timing. So at the moment I spend my days running between breastfeeding and cleaning up accidents, as well as the general 2 year old craziness and newborn need for snuggles. Oh and did I mention that Rocket has finally been assessed as having mild Aspergers Syndrome and ADD? *headdesk*
Added to the stress of that is trying to renovate two houses at once, the builders are working on our house, and we picked up a paid renovation job on a friend's house (too good to pass up).
I am scared that we are going to miss all the precious moments in the first few months of Bumble's life. But what can you do? We are just so busy and I don't see it slowing down any time soon. I think I am enforcing a break from all things external to our kids at some point this year. We need to just focus on them for a while.
In the meantime, I best be off - carpet layers will be at house #3 in a few minutes so I better get over there...*sigh* it never ends...