
Friday, September 24, 2010

in love with ink...

I had such a beautiful time being tattooed, it's a bit of a high I have to come down from now ;)

My tattoo artist is an old friend, who I have known for over ten years now. It's one of those funny friendships where you lose touch, then pick up, then lose touch, then pick up.

We talked about everything. We talked about miscarriages and foster care and adoption. We talked about my evil SIL and her psycho ex boyfriend. We talked about gypsies and going bush. We talked about our mutual friend and how in love he is for the first time and how beautiful and strange his new boyfriend is. We talked about zombies and artists. We talked about mushrooms and the youth of today and how much they suck. Then we laughed about becoming crotchety old ladies (keep in mind neither of us are close to thirty yet....)

It was so relaxed. I helped her mix up the colours to get the right shades. I took photos as she worked. It was one of the loveliest experiences and I would go back every week if I could.

I am so in love with my new ink that I can't stop staring at it. I used to pull out Starbaby's envelope of footprints so often and stare at them. Now I can just look down and he's there. Its a beautiful thing, I can't explain what it means to have it there, and what it means that she was the one to put it there.

She kept saying "I hope I do him justice"

You did darling. In spades.


  1. I completely get it...I also LOVE my memorial tattoo, it is a physical piece of my daughter and I love that it's there for others to see. I feel like she's walking with me every day & it gives me strength to move forward. I agree with your comment about it being a bit of a high, I can see how this gets addicting:) That's awesome you had a good friend as the artist, it makes the whole experience so special.

  2. I love your tattoos!! I totally want my son's footprint tattooed (is that a word?) somewhere on my body. DH is completely not for it. He doesn't like them. I assured him that should he die before me, before he is laid in the ground, I will have a

  3. Aw - what a beautiful idea and made even more beautiful by friendship.

    ICLW #115

  4. I've been out of touch for awhile, and I just ready your Starbaby's stories. Thanks for sharing your story. I'm so very sorry for the loss of your little boy. But thank you for sharing - I'm so very touched.



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